Notice of the BARSC AGM 2016

The BARSC AGM will be held on Wednesday 6th July – please email the Committee to register your attendance.

Voting members may make nominations for the committee to be elected at the AGM. This must be done by sending the nominees name, the post for which they are nominated and the names of both the proposer and seconder to the Executive Secretary

This should be received no later than Monday 13th June 2016.

Nominations are welcome for all available positions (Vice-Chair, Treasurer, Exec Secretary, Exec Committee Member).

For your information the previous Exec are all willing to be nominated for re-election.

1) Apologies
2) Adoption of the Agenda
3) Approval of 2015 AGM Minutes
4) Chairman’s Report
5) Treasurer’s Report
6) Setting of Fees
7) Adoption of Accounts
8) Appointment of Auditors
9) Election of Officers
10) Election of Committee Members
11) Proposed Amendment to the Constitution
11) AOB
12) Dates of Meeting