Event: Joint NCEO-CEOI Conference
Date and Time: 24th – 25thJune 2020
With just over 2 weeks until the joint NCEO-CEOI ‘virtual’ conference, the agenda and arrangements are being finalised, here is the outline agenda:
Day 1: Wednesday 24 June, 2020
Session 1 – NCEO Plenary and Parallel Sessions:
09:30 Welcome and Introduction – NCEO Plenary Session I
NCEO Parallel Sessions:
- Data assimilation and uses
- New EO science missions and retrieval methods
- Global and regional processes, and model evaluation
Breakout sessions (3 in parallel)
12:30 Lunch Break
Session 2 – CEOI Plenary Session – EO Technologies:
13:30 Keynote Speaker – Prof Kai Bongs, UK National Quantum Technology Hub for Sensors & Metrology
- Quantum Technology for a Future Gravity Mission Technology Developments in Current CEOI Projects, including:
- Optics and Infra Red Technologies
- Passive Microwave and Radar Technologies
16:30 Finish Day 1
Day 2: Thursday 25 June, 2020
Session 3 – Joint NCEO/CEOI Plenary – EO Missions:
09:00 ESA Earth Explorer Programme and EE11 Call
- Overview of Earth Explorer Programme and the EE-11 Call
- Update on current EE Missions led from UK
- EE11 Mission Ideas *
- Candidate Missions for EE11 Call (15-20 mins each)
- Other EO Missions **
- TRUTHS – An ESA EarthWatch Mission in Preparation
- ESA Scout Missions
- Payloads for SmallSat Missions
* EE-11 Mission Concepts – Final call for offers of EE11 talks (by 10 June).
** We will consider any other mission talks offered (by 11 June) for Part (3) if we can fit them in.
12:30 Lunch Break
13:30 Session 4 – NCEO Plenary and Parallel Sessions:
NCEO Plenary Session II – NCEO Parallel Sessions
- Climate urgency: Climate data records, predictions and their exploitation
- Progress in EO science, infrastructure and applications
- Working internationally (ODA, GEO/CEOS, collaborations and networks, “international” studies and publications).
16:30 Conference Ends