Title: Earth Observation & International Market Development: Opportunities & Challenges
Date: 7th March 2019
Location: Scotland House (Schuman), Brussels
Within the framework of the IDEEO project, you are invited to a workshop about the opportunities and challenges associated with international market development for Earth observation companies.
The workshop will take place on March 7 at Scotland House (Schuman) in Brussels and is organised in partnership with Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique, Cluster Lucano di Bioeconomia and NEREUS, the Network of European Regions Using Space Technologies.
In the morning session, there will be multiple business support services, from both European and international agencies, presenting how they support SMEs through various financial and non-financial support tools such as match-making events, market intelligence, business plan support, finding partners and distributors, legal/IPR support and/or funding.
The afternoon session will give the chance to companies that have already expanded internationally to share their experiences, lessons learnt;and challenges that they faced when they decided to advance their international sales. During the event, there will be plenty of networking opportunities to discuss topics in more depth in a more personal environment.