Satellite Data Apps: Funding and Protecting your Innovation
G-STEP is hosting a FREE, full-day event which aims to promote the creation and wide ranging uses of Sat Apps and provide the information necessary to develop, fund and protect ideas.
Confirmed Speakers (in order of appearance):
Professor Kevin Schürer (Pro-Vice-Chancellor). University of Leicester
Dr Alexis Comber. University of Leicester
A variety of Business Insights. Including the BGS and OS (Ian Holt)
Robert Lowson. FP7 Space NCP
Tim Just. TSB
Dr Eric Goodyer. De Montfort University
Professor Paul Monks. G-STEP (University of Leciester)
Expert advice on:
Funding opportunities in a tough economic climate
How to create a successful consortia
How to capitalise on your idea: Tax and IP
Success stories
One to One opportunities with experts (*)
Attendees will include a cross-section of senior managers, academia, Local Authority and businesses.
To learn more and to sign up for attendance please visit The Conference Website